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Admissions Policy
Domuschola welcomes students who are interested in a challenging education and internationally recognized program that aims to develop caring and productive global citizens who are critical thinkers, collaborative, and action-oriented citizens. The following are the clear set of expectations from children admitted to Domuschola:
- Children are placed in classes together with their age-peers. The age cut-off date is October 31.
- To ensure maximum student learning, the class size for each grade level is fixed.
- For Nursery and Pre-Kinder: 15 maximum number of students in a class
- For Kinder to Grade 2: 20 maximum number of students in a class
- For Grade 3 to 12: 25 maximum number of students in a class
- A student applicant may be placed in the waitlist once a year level has reached the maximum class size. An additional section may be opened by the Head of School upon consideration and consultation with the School President and Board of Trustees.
- The school is on a rolling admissions basis. For students applying in the middle of the current school year, they may be accepted provided that the student has completed at least a semester of schooling or is applying in the first semester.
- A student may be recommended to seek academic support to help him or her meet learning standards. This may be sought from teachers in Domuschola or from teachers outside the school. The cost of the academic support will be shouldered by the student’s parents.
- The school may require a student to be assessed by an outside specialist to assist in determining if the student is in need of Domuschola’s Learning Support Program. This may be done upon the written recommendation of the Guidance Counselor or Learning Support teacher. The cost of the assessment will be shouldered by the student’s parents. A complete copy of the assessment will be requested by the school in order to help determine the appropriate action required to help the student.
- For students who are determined by Domuschola’s Learning Support Team to have special needs, Learning Support will be offered with a corresponding fee.