Domuschola International School
  • November 13, 2024
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Essential skills required for children to prepare for school admission


Obtaining admission to school is a significant milestone for children and it is important that they be prepared for undergoing the process involved in that. Let us take a look at the essential skills that are required for that.

1. Communication

The ability to communicate is the very first skill that comes in handy for a child seeking admission to school. It, therefore, makes sense for one to encourage him or her to learn to be expressive. It might be a good idea for the child to practice having conversations at home to refine their speaking skills. Their school admission might depend upon that. This is as true of Chinese schools in Manila, as it is of any other.

2. Sharing and Cooperation

A school is a very social environment where a child is expected to socialise and interact with his or her peers and teachers. They should, therefore, be taught to learn sharing and cooperation by making them participate in games, group play and puzzles-activities that require them to interact with others.

3. Understand and Retell Simple Stories

The ability to understand and retell simple stories showcases a child’s cognitive ability. The parents of the child seeking admission to a school should give them practice in this by reading stories to their children and explaining the meaning of those, followed by asking the children to recapitulate the story in question.

4. Early Numeracy

Children seeking admission to school should possess basic numeracy skills like being able to count till 30 and know which number precedes or succeeds another. Parents should ensure that their children have been sufficiently acquainted with numbers to allow them to have early numeracy abilities.

5. Identify Basic Patterns, Shapes and Colours

The ability to identify basic patterns, shapes and colours is important in small children as it helps them acquire key knowledge skills like being able to understand mathematical concepts. It is a good idea for parents to teach their children to identify patterns, shapes and colours in their environment. They could be made to play with playdough and crayons to get acquainted with patterns, shapes, and colours.

6. Vocabulary

It is important that one’s child have some basic vocabulary to allow them to express their basic needs like asking for water or expressing their discomfort with something. The parents should have given their children enough practice with speaking for them to develop a vocabulary that is consistent with their age. A decent vocabulary is essential for children to effectively express themselves.

7. Value System and Responsibility

A school would like its students, however young to have a value system that makes them responsible and socially well behaved. Parents need to ensure that their children develop a value system that is compatible with what is expected in a social setting like a school.

8. Dress and Feed Themselves

By the time that children are of school going age, it is expected that they should be able to dress and feed themselves. This is something that parents need to help their children achieve before seeking admission to a school.

9. Expressive Language

Children who are expressive in the way that they communicate are definitely at an advantage when seeking admission to a school over those who are reticent. It, therefore, makes sense for parents to help their children improve their ability to express themselves, prior to seeking admission to a school.

10. Creativity

Children who display creativity are at a natural advantage when it comes to undergoing any kind of assessment at the time of seeking admission to school. It is, therefore, critically important for parents to do everything they can to make their children creative. This can range from telling their children interesting stories about the world they live in, playing games with them that allow them to exercise their imagination and generally put them in situations where they are required to think creatively.


Getting one’s children admission to school is often a nerve wracking experience for both children and parents alike.This really needn’t be the case. There are quite a few schools offering admission these days, and often, it is just a question of finding the right one for one’s child. However, it does make sense to make some basic preparations, before approaching a school with the purpose of getting one’s children admission there.The tips given in this article are very helpful in guiding parents to prepare their children for the all – important school admission process.Schools are always happy to offer admission to well adjusted, happy and confident children and parents would do well to make their children become that. The idea is not to put undue performance pressure on the children but to gently prepare them to be more sociable, confident and expressive.There are a large number of schools that parents can choose from these days. Parents should do everything they can to prepare their children to get admission to the school of their choice.

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