Challenging. Personal. Rewarding.
I found myself in a peculiar position: an incoming senior at the midpoint of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) faced with the reality of repatriating back to the Philippines, having spent much of my formative years in Indonesia. It posed the dilemma of restarting at a crucial period that determined my next step: university admission.
In retrospect, I felt pessimistic and apprehensive if I was capable of leaving a lasting impact for myself and the new community I was joining. However, I reminded myself why I pursued the IBDP; to allow myself to become autonomous, adept and reflective with my academic and extracurricular interests. This challenge was not only for my university career but also my influence in the social spheres I would partake in.
Opportunely, I joined Domuschola. From the onset, the institution acknowledged my competencies and interests with open arms, both faculty and colleagues engaged in my development moving forward. Moreover, Domuschola challenged the notions of what I thought a school could provide: among many things it upheld critical thought, inquisitiveness and above all, the benefits of a personalised support system, made possible thanks to the small class sizes.
Albeit my time in Domuschola was relatively short, the supportive community allowed me to thrive and exceed expectations by pursuing my pre-existing interests in psychology and organisational behaviour. This led to my first thesis analysing the school’s successful counselling practices which were eventually featured by the International Baccalaureate Organisation.
The most meaningful triumph Domuschola provided was the opportunity to help me recognise and attempt paths I would not have been confident to pursue without their persistent support. I seized the opportunity to build a beneficial relationship with my college advisor who happened to be my psychology teacher urging me to capitalise on my three cornerstone disciplines: Psychology, Communication and French.
Furthermore, he helped me beyond the walls of the school to determine the best opportunities available that fit my profile. In significant part with the support I received from both Domuschola and my family, I am now pursuing a Bachelor in International Business degree at IÉSEG School of Management in Lille, France awarded with the highest merit scholarship offered by the school.
Beyond my time at Domuschola, the ideologies instilled by the school, especially academically, continually helped me excel in my current studies which opened more opportunities to increase my sphere of influence.
If you are a Secondary student considering pursuing the IBDP, I suggest for you to take the classes and engage in projects you find interesting and to be passionate about it, may it be creating a haunted house with your friends or promoting an advocacy, the possibilities are endless! With guidance and perseverance, an exciting path will open for you just like it did for me.
If you are a student in the process of obtaining your IB Diploma, you will undoubtedly surprise yourself (positively of course!) and always remember that at the end of the day your formation is not only for yourself but it is also to ideally initiate positive change at your own capacity.