Domuschola International School
  • November 6, 2024
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The Best Maths Activities for Preschoolers


Mathematical ability is among the most important skills that a child learns in school. It, therefore, makes immense sense for there to be maths activities for preschoolers. Let us look at some very innovative ways of getting toddlers to take an interest in maths.

1. Counting Puzzles

Counting puzzles are one of the most effective maths activities for preschoolers. Making the children solve them is known to help develop their cognitive ability. The way to solve them is to follow a predefined set of rules. This generally involves understanding a pattern to be followed and then attempting to solve the puzzle, getting acquainted with the numbers and counting in the process.. The more practice one gets at this, the better a child becomes.

2. Flip Uno Cards to Make a Match

Uno cards lend themselves beautifully to make the kids play number matching games that help with number recognition. This game can be played by flipping the uno cards in a manner that a child is unable to see the numbers.One can take turns picking two cards. If one makes a match one keeps the set and follows that up by taking another turn. Whoever has the most sets to their credit are the winners.

3. Race to Fill the Cup

This is a simple, yet effective game to get children to know and understand numbers. One can play this game with the help of a few plastic cups and a collection of small objects like paper clips, pennies or buttons. One can roll a die and get the kids to fill their cups with the number chosen objects corresponding to the number obtained as soon as they can. The child who fills up his or her cup the fastest wins.

4. Hunt for Numbers

This game involves the children trying to find specific numbered cards in a sensory bin which contains materials like dry pasta, sand, rice and popcorn kernels. Once collected these cards can be placed onto a key in the shape of numbers written on pieces of card.

5. Count your Steps

Taking the kids outdoors and making them count the number of steps walked is another wonderful way of making them understand the concept of numbers and counting. They could ,for instance, be asked to count the number of steps they took, when walking across the garden.

6. Grocery Store Fun

You can make a trip to the grocery store, a fun activity for your preschooler. You can have them count the number of grocery items that can fit into a bag. Alternatively you could ask them to find out which of the two items you have in your hands is heavier.

7. Sorting Candy Shapes

Nothing entices a little child more to do something than getting rewarded by tasty candy in return for something they are asked to do. You can help them learn numbers by getting them to place different types of candy kept in a bowl into separate bunches according to their size, shape and colour and then go on to count the number of candies in each group.

8. Guess the Weight

This is a great way of helping children understand the concept of measurement, especially with regard to weight.They can be instructed to arrive at a guess with regard to things lying in their homes. This could be anything from onions and potatoes to toys and combs. They could also be asked to compare weights and guess which objects are heavier than others.

9. Number Songs

Number songs are a very old and classic way of teaching little children about numbers. The use of catchy tunes to make the lyrics appealing helps reinforce the message pertaining to the numbers to be learned in a very effective manner indeed.

10. Creating Patterns with Cubes

Encouraging children to create patterns with cubes is a proven method of empowering them to learn about numbers and maths. They could, for instance, be asked to use differently coloured cubes to create colour patterns encouraging them to experiment with patterns of their own. This will inculcate the concept of sequences as well as problem solving in the kids-bohb essential components of maths.


Getting preschoolers interested in maths is the best gift that you can give to the little ones. The activities described in this article are some of the best ones that there are to get little ones interested in maths. The key here is to make the activities fun so that the children feel that they are playing rather than receiving a heavy maths lesson. It is important that children from an early age associate maths with fun, so that they do not develop any phobia for the subject, which is quite often the case with many children.Getting preschoolers interested in maths is the best gift that you can give to the little ones. The activities described in this article are some of the best ones that there are to get little ones interested in maths. The key here is to make the activities fun so that the children feel that they are playing rather than receiving a heavy maths lesson. It is important that children from an early age associate maths with fun, so that they do not develop any phobia for the subject, which is quite often the case with many children.

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