Head of School
Domuschola International School
Head of School
Domuschola International School
Dear Domuschola Parents,
Please allow me to express how delighted we are to have you with us as we begin the Academic Year 2024-2025. To our returning parents, it’s good to see you all again! To the new parents, we thank you for choosing Domuschola and for entrusting the education of your children to us.
Domuschola is your child’s second home. Therefore, we are your child’s second parent. We care for our students in loco parentis (in place of parents). We take it as a calling: to be entrusted to care for your child’s mind, heart and soul. You will agree that parenting is a huge responsibility. Many educators regard teaching as a vocation and a calling – just like parenting.
Home and School Collaboration
Humans, by nature, are the only known creatures that need to be reared, attended to, and showered with care until they’re old enough to fend for themselves. In some cultures, it takes years before children are to leave their parents and to form a life of their own. This is because parents want to ensure that their children are raised well, educated well, and prepared well before they head out to the real world. And, as social beings, we often work with others to achieve these goals.
This is the very reason why Domuschola employs the concept of home-and-school collaboration. Parents and teachers work together to provide the best learning experience and opportunities for our children. We want them to feel safe, happy, and confident as they gather knowledge and skills along the way. The goal for every school year is the same: to strengthen the bond between the home and the school, and between the teachers and the parents. In this regard, we are proud to be called your partners in education. We are looking forward to parent-teacher conferences that are data-driven, collaborative, and solution-focused.
Teachers as Partners in Education
Good teachers see teaching as an act of love and sacrifice. And there are many good teachers here at Domuschola who continue to excel, and there are those who aspire to be better each day. Thank you for honoring our teachers by seeing them as partners (and not as servants or helpers). Our roster of faculty is made up of education professionals who are lifelong learners and active facilitators, willing to share their knowledge and expertise. Returning parents, you have seen how a good working relationship leads to the best results. New parents, we hope that you will see that Domuschola is the right choice for your child or children.
Last school year was a great year for Domuschola. Your feedback, suggestions, and unwavering support opened doors to a lot of improvement on our end. We are grateful to be opening another academic year with a community of people helping each other. Let us continue to spread excitement and optimism. Let’s be better, together!
God bless you.